Except for the liver which is remarkable for its four lobes, two more vital organs in the body deal with the processing of nutrients and waste excretion; the kidney is the bean-shaped structure among them. Besides that, they do the most in keeping the blood pressure at healthy levels, the blood production of red cells and the precision of electrolyte balance. However, the undetected blood sugar levels associated with diabetes can conceivably damage kidneys in the long run. 

This article focuses on why does uncontrolled blood sugar damage kidneys, detect it early, and the measures to reduce kidney injury.

How Diabetes Effect on Kidneys

Continuous high levels of blood sugar slowly subdues the small blood vessels in the kidneys and this eventually causes some loss of functioning in the waste products filtering task of the kidneys. The problem here is that these wastes stuck (in) the bloodstream contribute to kidney damage and might lead to kidney failure. Here’s a closer examination of this process:

@kidneyhealthmd Why does uncontrolled blood sugar damage kidneys? High blood sugar levels can cause globular hyperfiltration, damaging kidney blood vessels over time. Research shows that keeping blood sugar in check significantly reduces the risk of kidney damage. If you or someone needs help, don’t hesitate to reach out. For personalized guidance, give us a call. #healthawareness #holistichealth #wellnessjourney #healthylifestyle #prevention #medicalcare #selfcare #holisticapproach #healthyliving #nutrition #wellbeing #fitness #healthtips #lifestyle #wellness #chronickidneydisease #diabetesawareness #diabetes ♬ original sound – Kidney and Holistic MD

  • High blood sugar: Over a long period, the high glucose levels in the body can have a huge effect on the intricate lining of the kidney’s blood vessels.
  • Glomerular damage: Microfilters such as glomeruli housed in the kidneys, whose main function is to remove waste from the blood, may be injured as a result of diabetes, which can leave protein in the urine, a phenomenon called proteinuria.
  • Scar formation: The longer the course of the disease, the more the hardening of blood vessels and proteins flowing into the kidneys may happen that end up as the scarring of tissue, which results in a further deterioration of renal function.
  • Kidney failure: Besides leading to diabetes in a degenerating manner, at the worst scenario possible, diabetes can reach the ultimate destiny of the total kidney failure that is treated with either dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Symptoms Of Impairment?

Early stages of kidney damage due to diabetes may not produce apparent signs of disease. However, as the condition advances, individuals may experience the following:

  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Foamy urine
  • Proteinuria
  • Increased level of blood pressure
  • Fatigue
  • Puffiness in the feet and hands, swelling in the toes.
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Itching

The blog post titled “Holistic Approach to Type 2 Diabetes” may be found on our website for people interested in holistic diabetes management.

Risk Factors for Diabetic Kidney Damage

Several factors can heighten the risk of kidney damage stemming from diabetes, including: 

  • Duration of diabetes: The correlation between a longer duration of diabetes and eventual kidney complications is quite strong.
  • Poor blood sugar management: Kidney damage increased faster as a result of mismanaged blood sugar control.
  • High blood pressure: Uncontrolled hypertension adds further to the workload of the kidneys
  • Smoking: The kidney functioning is worsened and the damage is aggravated in tobacco users, especially those who have diabetes.
  • Overweight or obesity: In addition to high blood sugar, they can also put an extra burden on the kidneys.

Can People Reverse Kidney Damage from Diabetes?

The positive news is that kidney damage can be slowed down or halted by even the early diagnosis and treatment of diabetes. When you have diabetes, coordinating your efforts with your doctor to properly control your blood sugar is key. That could include a complementary of healthy eating, medication, or mixed ways.

On the other hand, more extreme cases of kidney damage due to diabetes can turn out to be irreversible. The treatment and diagnosis of this condition require immediate medical attention after the occurrence of any of the above-mentioned symptoms. Indeed, early action could significantly increase the chance of keeping the kidney functionality.

Some readers may find value in understanding how conditions like lupus affect the body. Information on topics such as “Does Lupus Make You Smell Bad?” can be accessed on our website!

Tips for Kidney Health

For individuals with diabetes and those seeking preventative measures, here are some tips to uphold healthy kidneys:

Why does uncontrolled blood sugar damage kidneysqwe

  • Manage blood sugar levels: Controlling blood glucose and preventing its damage to the kidney is top of the list during the management of diabetes.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Carrying down those extra pounds certainly facilitates body kidney work.
  • Control blood pressure: Through the management of hypertension, the risk of worsening conditions to kidneys which were already harmed by diabetes is minimized.
  • Stay hydrated: Sufficient water intake will encourage the thorough elimination of wastes and efficient renal function.
  • Engage in regular exercise: Continuous physical exercise can help maintain sugar levels and general health conditions.
  • Schedule routine checkups: Scheduled visits with your doctor help identify early changes in kidney function and health status.
  • Limit protein intake: If you have been diagnosed with kidney disease, following a low-protein diet can reduce the load on your kidneys as recommended by the doctor.
  • Refrain from smoking: Smoking worsens kidney functions and quickens organ damage due to diabetes.

Treatments for Kidney Failure

For individuals facing kidney failure, various treatment options exist to manage the condition and enhance quality of life: 

  • Dialysis: This process removes toxins and excess fluid from the blood thus purifying it when the kidneys are not able to perform this task efficiently. Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are the two kinds.
  • Kidney transplant: This procedure is performed by replacing the diseased kidney with a new one that could either be from a deceased or living donor. With a kidney transplant, one gets the closest to normal kidney function, but the medication has to be taken throughout life to prevent rejection of the transplanted organ.

Addressing a Health Care Provider

In case of any worries about your kidney health, especially if you have diabetes or if you are among those who are at increased risk of kidney disease, then a healthcare professional can be consulted. Early diagnosis and treatment are key in reducing kidney damage and delaying it. A healthcare provider can help conduct the tests to identify kidney function and formulate a personalized treatment plan inclusive of diabetes management focused on preserving kidney health.

Dr. Bismah embraces a holistic mode of health care covering both disease management as well as general well-being. People looking for renal holistic approach could easily book appointments with Dr Bismah’s team on our website.