How Does Climate Change Affect The Kidneys?

How Does Climate Change Affect The Kidneys?

Our kidneys perform critical roles, including filtering waste products from our bloodstream, maintaining constant blood pressure levels, producing hormones for red blood cell production and bone health regulation; without healthy kidneys, our bodies would quickly...
Best Kidney Care Tips for Summer

Best Kidney Care Tips for Summer

Summer brings sunny vacations and endless fun; but its intense heat also poses a danger: dehydration. Dehydration has serious ramifications on kidney health that must be considered when planning outdoor adventures in the summer heat. Our kidneys work tirelessly,...
7 Ways to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

7 Ways to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

Our kidneys are hardworking organs that play an indispensable part in body functioning, acting like natural filters to rid our systems of waste products, maintain fluid and electrolyte balance, and produce hormones essential for red blood cell production and blood...
What foods hyper-nourish the kidney?

What foods hyper-nourish the kidney?

Our kidneys are unsung heroes of body maintenance. Working tirelessly to keep us functioning optimally, these bean-shaped organs play a pivotal role in filtering waste products, regulating blood pressure, and keeping electrolyte balance within bounds. Like any...