Dr. Bismah emphasizes the significance of taking proactive measures to regulate one’s blood sugar and mitigate associated complications for optimal overall health, ultimately improving one’s quality of life. She recommends 5 ways to manage your sugar level for optimal well-being!

1. Eat Balanced Meals

@kidneyhealthmd Want to help your kidneys get better? Managing your blood sugar levels is key! Here are 5 ways to keep your blood sugar in check. By following these steps, you can help improve your kidney health and take control of your health. Don’t let kidney problems hold you back. Contact today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a healthier future. https://www.drbismah.com #KidneyHealth #StoneFreeJourney #KidneyHealth #KidneySpecialist #ExpertCare #PersonalizedTreatment #TransformYourHealth #HealthKnowledge #EmpowerYourHealth ♬ original sound – Kidney and Holistic MD

Focus On Whole Foods

Paying attention to whole grain products like whole grain cereals, fruits, and vegetables contributes energy, and a protein diet can aid in absorbing essential nutrients and maintaining normal blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

Limit refined carbs 

Say no to the allure of white bread, pastries, sweet drinks, and highly processed foods to avoid triggering those blood sugar spikes that are such a major drawback. Quite to be the case, change the ingredients of your meal to whole wheat or eat small portion sizes.

Integrate Healthy Fats 

Increasing fruits and vegetables lowers the number of calories, sugars, and fats in a diet while reducing cardiovascular risks. Other studies have shown that these have benefits, including better heart health, lower incidence of some cancers, and help in weight management.

Careful analysis of food labels

Monitor the sugar content in packaged goods, preferring lower-sugar options or those sweetened naturally. Practice portion control by opting for smaller plates and bowls when eating carb-rich food items to limit overeating.

2. Participate in Regular Exercises

Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Insulin sensitivity can increase through exercise, which ultimately makes the possibility of the desired effect of transporting glucose from the stream into the cells a food source for energy possible.

Weight Management

Regular exercise promotes the function of the muscle when it utilizes glucose as an energy source and lowers blood sugar levels. This results in the betterment of weight management and physical activity, along with stress management, as the individual remains physically active.

Low Blood Sugar Levels

Exercise can reduce pressure on the system that controls the level of sugar and also on the system that regulates the sugar level itself.

See Dr.Bismah to design an exclusive exercise plan suitable to your needs and fitness level, which may lower your chances of developing Polycystic Kidney Disease.

3. Effectively Manage Stress

Chronic stress can disrupt blood sugar levels by activating cortisol production. Dr. Bismah provides these strategies for stress reduction:

Recognize Stress Triggers

Recognizing activities or situations that increase your body’s stress responses will allow for early identification and control of stressors.

Practicing Relaxation Techniques

Taking deep slow breaths, meditation, or yoga every day to relax the mind will be a one-way migration of stress away from us.

Prioritize sleep

Sleep deprivation in the university environment is widespread and linked to stress management and overall wellness. Eight hours of high-quality effort is the most desirable amount of sleep to set aside each night, according to optimal standards.

Seek Support

If stress management becomes challenging, don’t hesitate to seek help – friends, family, or professionals such as psychotherapists can provide much-needed assistance.

4. Practice Proper Hydration

Adequate hydration is vital to overall health and blood sugar control. Dr. Bismah highlights its many advantages as an essential step toward optimal well-being:

5 Ways to Manage Your Sugar Level

Improves Blood Sugar Control

Water helps manage blood sugar by discharging excess sugar through urine, helping improve its management. 

Reduce Cravings

Proper hydration may help decrease cravings caused by dehydration – thus helping avoid unnecessary consumption of sweet foods!

Aids digestion

Water aids digestion by aiding nutrient absorption and indirectly impacting blood sugar levels. 

Drink plenty of water throughout your day; unsweetened herbal teas or infused waters offer added variety!

Read more: Why do diabetics die after amputations?

5. Regularly Monitor Blood Sugar Levels

As noted by Dr. Bismah, regularly self-monitoring blood sugar levels is crucial to effective management.

Consult Your Doctor

Discuss Your Monitoring Goals and Frequencies With your doctor to Create An Appropriate Plan.

Use A Glucometer

This device allows you to measure your blood sugar level at home. Keep accurate records of your blood sugar readings, noting any factors that might exacerbate it such as meals or medications that could influence them.

Share Information

During appointments, make sure Dr. Bismah knows your blood sugar readings and any relevant details so they may modify your treatment plan.

Remember: These strategies are essential building blocks of effectively controlling blood sugar. A consultation with Dr. Bismah can assist with developing an individual plan tailored specifically to your medical history and needs, thus mitigating complications related to unmanaged blood sugar!