The kidneys operate quietly and efficiently to rid the blood of waste products, regulate the blood pressure and produce hormones. While they engage in these important functions for our body, they also may deteriorate with time and end up in chronic kidney disease. Although chronic kidney disease can not be cured, you can slow down its progression and improve overall health by taking the necessary steps. Here are 5 things that you can do today to stop your kidney from getting worse!

1. Reduce Blood Pressure (hypertension)

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High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of kidney damage, as its presence places added strain on delicate blood vessels in your kidneys and limits their functionality. To protect kidney health effectively hypertension must be managed as high blood pressure regularly remains elevated for too long and puts undue strain on their delicate vessels – impeding their performance to perform its essential tasks of filtering waste out.

  • Monitor Regularly: Regular Blood Pressure Checking at Home and the Clinic
  • Lifestyle Changes: Consume less Salt (NaCl) and Processed Food, opting for a diet rich in fruits, veggies and whole grains instead.
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Being overweight or obese can increase blood pressure significantly, so calorie control and physical exercise should help achieve weight stability for long-term benefits.
  • Medication Options: If lifestyle modifications prove insufficient to reduce blood pressure levels, consult Dr Bismah regarding viable medication solutions to effectively control it.

Read more: High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease

2. Manage Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes of either type increases your risk for kidney disease significantly. Extreme sugar levels in the blood damage all blood vessels in the entire body, including those that are located inside of kidneys.

  • Dietary Control: Strive to follow a diet that will keep your blood sugar levels in check, such as whole grains, fruit (in moderation) and protein sources like eggs or chicken.
  • Exercise Regularly: Regular exercise can help your body learn to use blood sugar more effectively.
  • Medication Adherence: Strict compliance with all the medications prescribed is extremely important for those diagnosed with diabetes.
  • Consult Dr Bismah: Dr. Bismah can give individualized tips on how to cope with the effect of CKD on kidney health and non-dietary solutions will be provided for managing CKD and choosing a healthy diet.

3. Emphasize Healthier Diet Alternatives

An appropriately well-balanced diet is essential for the well-being of the kidneys. Here are some key dietary principles you should abide by:

  • Limit Protein Intake: Overeating protein tends to put too much stress on your kidneys. Consult Dr. Bismah for the recommended amount of protein as per the individual preference and circumstances.
  • Reduce Sodium: An excess of sodium can lead to hypertension, which then might affect your kidneys. Select low-sodium alternatives when available and use processed food products as much as possible.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water assists your kidney in removing waste products in a better way and it helps to keep you in the peak conditioning for all-day activity and climatic conditions. Set the goal for eight glasses per day or take into account the adjustments that might be required concerning activity level or climate changes.
  • Concentrate on Potassium and Phosphorus: While potassium and phosphorus are vital minerals, an over-indulgence in these could similarly affect the health of the kidneys. Dr. Bismah could advise you on how to achieve a healthy balance between potassium and phosphorus intake through diet.

4. Achieve Weight Stability

Obesity is one of the primary risk factors for the development of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Extra weight causes your kidneys to work much more than they usually do, as they filter out waste products in your body.

  • Build Healthy Habits: Implement long-term diet changes and start engaging in physical activities regularly to effectively manage weight.
  • Search For Support: Consider enrolling in a weight loss program or meeting with a registered dietitian for tailored guidance and expertise.
  • Dr. Bismah Can Help: Dr. Bismah can offer additional advice and expertise regarding reaching and maintaining an ideal body weight to optimize kidney health.

5. Make Regular Visits with Dr. Bismah

Early detection is key when treating chronic kidney disease (CKD), so scheduled check-ins with Dr. Bismah allow him to monitor kidney function and detect potential problems before they worsen significantly.

  • Annual Screenings: Attain regular checkups with Dr. Bismah for annual screenings that assess kidney function and urine analysis.
  • Open Communication: Speak freely with her regarding any concerns or changes you are experiencing about fatigue, frequent urination or changes in urine patterns that arise over time.

Read more: Which is not the function of kidneys?

Beyond the Basics: Optimizing Your Kidney Health Strategy 

1. Manage Underlying Conditions

Certain medical conditions can increase your risk for chronic kidney disease. These include: 

  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs): Without appropriate medical attention, untreated UTIs can damage kidneys irreparably; for this reason, proper hygiene must be implemented, plenty of fluid intake be maintained, and it should be seen immediately by Dr Bismah in case symptoms surface.
  • Autoimmune Diseases: Lupus can have severe kidney effects with early diagnosis and management being both critical factors for managing it well.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease: Dr. Bismah can help patients to alleviate the impact of Polycystic Kidney Disease on kidney function; the genetic disease can be managed and the cyst formation in the kidneys can be minimized.

2. Stop Smoking and Minimize Alcohol Intake

Both heavy drinking and smoking lead to high blood pressure, which in turn has a damaging effect on the human kidneys. One of the main steps to protect their health is to limit their alcohol intake.

3. Assess Pain Medication

Some pain relievers, particularly the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) used regularly, might harm kidneys. Talk to Dr. Bisma if your current pain management strategy heavily relies upon non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to alleviate your pain.

4. Get Plenty of Sleep

Being Sleep deprived can increase blood pressure and create health complications that impact kidney health negatively, so aim to sleep for at least 7-8 hours every night in quality slumber.

5. Control Stress Effectively

Long-term stress can cause an elevation of blood pressure and a decline in immune functions, leading to an increased risk of kidney-affecting infections. Use yoga, meditation or deep breathing as good stress reduction methods.

6. Consider Supplementation

Fish oil or vitamin D supplements may offer benefits to kidney health; it is wise, however, to first speak to Dr. Bismah before beginning any new medications as they could interfere with others or potentially worsen certain medical conditions.

7. Advocate for Yourself:

Knowledge is power! Educate yourself about kidney health and don’t be shy to ask Dr. Bismah questions during appointments with him if necessary – be an active part in managing your healthcare journey!

Implement a Holistic Approach With Dr. Bismah

By working alongside Dr. Bismah to implement these comprehensive strategies and take an integrated kidney holistic approach to renal care, you can empower yourself to take charge of your health and significantly enhance your long-term well-being!